Saturday, June 20, 2015

Visual Effects 1: Project 2 - Particle Effects

VEF1 Project 2: Particle Effects.
Model: Blue Eyes White Dragon from

I figured when i did my first project that the entire Rube Goldberg Machine was waaaaaaay more than we needed to do. Our requirements for that project were only 3 constraints and 3 unique objects, which could've been achieved as early as the last domino falling. For this project i wanted to keep the scene small and focus on the particles while still using unique models. I figured statues emitting particles (or elements) would be my best bet. I used the Blue Eyes White Dragon from YuGiOh as my statue of choice, i duplicated it twice and changed the color for the Water (Slime) Dragon to green to better fit his particle effect/element, as well as the Fire Dragon to red.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea of this project and everything works really well. The sound effects, music, and camera all really add to the scene. The smoke and green blobby surfaces have a really nice effect but I think the fire could be improved a little as it looks too perfectly triangular in shape.
